Sunday, January 13, 2008

my twin babies

My two baby boys turn 7 years old this coming Friday January 18th. I can hardly believe that they are this old. They are so excited for their birthday, but I'm not. When it comes to birthdays I really don't have a clue what to do. Especially when I have zero monies to do it. I am going to try to suck it up and make sure they have a wonderful day. There is no school that day so we might have a ecavenger hunt, eat out and just have a good time all day with each other. I hope to find time this week to put together some of their stuff from when they were first born. Like pictures and what not. I think they will enjoy looking at that. Well I am off to fold some clothes for awhile and get organized for a busy week ahead with Mary Kay orders coming in, Jenn Millers baby shower to make invites for, and a house to clean. Wish me LUCK!!!

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