Friday, January 4, 2008

Stay Put Day

After getting the boys off to school Sophie and I just stayed home and hung out. Since I had Bunco last night at my home the house was pretty much cleaned except for laundry we just took it easy today. I haven't been feeling well and sound like I have a frog in my throat. The other day I told Sophie I had a frog in my throat and she put her ear on my throat so she could hear it, then she started petting my throat and pretending it was real. Pretty funny girl! We had fun watching movies and balancing the checkbook which now takes forever since we are using a visa card like a debit card and keeping it all recorded in the check register. It is just a learning curve and I hope to get faster each month. I am a little anal about balancing to the penny every month. Matt is working late and we miss him. It is just funner around here when he is home. Tomorrow is Saturday and the boys get to go have breakfast with the bishopric as a primary activity. That will be fun for them. I am having a coughing attack so I gotta stop.

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